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Waveland Police Department Mission Statement

The Waveland Police Department has adopted the following Mission Statement that shall guide all employees:

"The Waveland Police Department, in partnership with our community, provides impartial, ethical, and professional law enforcement service and protection. We strive to maintain the trust and confidence of our citizens while working to improve the quality of life".

Waveland Police Department Vision Statement

The Waveland Police Department has adopted the following vision for the 21st Century:

To provide the environment for the Waveland Police Department that results in:

  • Reduction of crime and fear of crime

  • Maximum efficiency

  • Enhanced customer service

  • Improved public confidence

  • Personal and professional growth for employees

Waveland Police Department Policing Values

The Waveland Police Department has adopted the following statements of its values:

  • Maintain service as our primary goal, while vigorously pursuing those who commit crimes.

  • Ensure that community responsiveness and the prevention of crime shall always be the hallmark of this organization.

  • Strive to maintain the highest levels of integrity and professionalism in all our members and activities.

  • Provide courteous police service with respect for the rights and dignity of all the people we serve.

  • Involve the community in all policing activities that directly affect the quality of community life.

  • Structure police service in a manner as to reinforce the strengths of the city's neighborhoods.

  • Encourage public input regarding the development of policies that directly affect the quality of neighborhood life.

  • Manage our resources carefully and effectively.

  • Seek the input of employees into matters that affect job satisfaction and effectiveness.

  • Remain committed to a shared and open relationship of involvement with all segments of our community.


Waveland Police Department
1602 McLauren St, Waveland, MS 39576
Phone:(228) 467-3669    Fax:(228) 467-3686
General Information: